

General Information of Site

S.No. Particular Details
1 Address J&K
2 Land Type Agriculture
3 Area 75 Acre
4 Nearest Railway Station Kathua
5 Nearest Airport Jammu
6 Location latitude 32.404785 °N Longitude 75.482334 °E
7 Air Temperature 21.2 °C
8 Relative Humidity 42.00%
9 Precipitation 771.7 mm
10 Daily Solar Radiation
5.29 KWH/Sqm
11 Atmospheric pressure 90.9 Kpa
12 Wind speed 2.4 m/s
13 Earth Temperature 20.6 °C
14 Nearest GSS 66/11 KV

Solar Module

In a solar module the solar cells are connected in same fashion as the battery cell units in a battery bank system. That means positive terminals of one cell connected to negative terminal voltage of solar module is simple sum of the voltage of individual cells connected in series in the module.

Module Mounting Structure

Photovoltaic mounting structures are used to fix solar PV module on surfaces like roofs, building facades, or the ground. These mounting systems generally enable retrofitting of solar panels on ground mounted systems.

Solar Inverter

A grid-tie inverter converts direct current (DC) into an alternating current(AC) suitable for injecting into an electrical power grid, normally 415Volts AC 50 Hz. Grid-tie inverters are used between local electrical power generator solar panel and state grid systems 11KV/33KV/66KV.

Cables in Solar Power Plant

Solar photovoltaic (projects require a high quality cabling system that connects all the electrical components together with a minimum loss of energy DC and AC cables are an important part of Solar PV system, used in the solar power plant for generating solar energy for commercial ground mounted The 25 years life of Solar PV system can be expected only when the cables used in the solar power plant for generating solar energy for ground mounted are of appropriate size and quality.


In a Megawatt level solar PV power plant, the inverters generate electricity at about 415 690 Volts AC To evacuate this power over the grid, the voltage has to be raised to Grid Transmission voltage which can be anything from 33 kV up to 220 kV or even 400 kV depending upon the infrastructure available A transformer is used to step up the voltage from inverter output to grid voltage.

HT Panel

HT panel is a metal enclosure fitted with HT Circuit Breakers, relays metering that is used to protect Connect solar power plant from grid side.

Switchyard 66KV

The purpose of the substation is to collect all solar array power and feed into the grid after stepping up voltage to distribution level.

Schematic Diagram